Pelantikan Taruna/i Akt 12 SMK Global Marine & Anniversary 19th PT. Rafa Global Marine

Tepat pada tanggal 18 September 2024, secara resmi pelantikan taruna/i angkatan 12 SMK global Marine dan sekaligus Acara Party Celebration Anniversary 19th, dengan se-rangkaian acara : Penyambutan ini di iringi oleh sambutan Tarian Lengser dengan bodoran Nyai dan Aki adat sunda menuju tempat tamu VIP RGM. 2. Pembukaan dan Upacara Pelantikan Taruna/i RGM 3. Pemasangan […]

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Interview Lokal Korea November 2024

There will be a candidate crew selection for local Korean ships with the following general requirements : -male maximum age 40 years-has passport, seaman book & yellow fever-have no criminal record-do not have congenital diseases or physical disabilities-prepare collateral-take all interviews and physical tests-willing to provide a guarantee if it turns out to pass the […]

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